Saturday, May 31, 2008
Zelda!! Our Rescue Kitty
Enjoying Summer Vacation

I need to take a photo of my Orange Crush progress. I have really been working on getting caught up. I finished step 3, and have done all the half-square triangles for step 4. Seven step 4 blocks are completed. I have also done all the cutting for step 5. I hope to be caught up by the end of this weekend. The only problem is I also need to get caught up on the housework that has fallen behind in these last few frantic weeks of school and wedding frenzy. Sewing is so much more fun than housework!!!
The above photo is a Little Quilts house quilt that I hand pieced and hand quilted while I was doing my internship for teaching. I gave it to my mother and it hangs in her house. It is very cute - in my opinion. LOL I decided to put it here to add some interest to my post, since I don't have any new photos. I am ready to enjoy my summer vacation and, as usual, have lots of plans. Of course, I will be lucky if I do even half of the things I plan to do. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Hallelujah!! Last Day of School

Tomorrow I have an interview for a position teaching middle school gifted students. I hope it goes well, as I am worried about the gifted students not getting what they need in the regular classroom thanks to "No Child Gets Ahead." I am including a copy below of an email that went around for a while that is a very good description of the way "No Child Left Behind" actually works:
Author Unknown*
l. All teams must make the state playoffs, and all will win the championship. If a team does not win the championship, they will be on probation until they are the champions, and coaches will be held accountable.
2. All kids will be expected to have the same football skills at the same time and in the same conditions. No exceptions will be made for interest in football, a desire to perform athletically, or genetic abilities or disabilities. ALL KIDS WILL PLAY FOOTBALL AT A PROFICIENT LEVEL
3. Talented players will be asked to work out on their own without instruction. This is because the coaches will be using all their instructional time with the athletes who aren't interested in football, have limited athletic ability, or whose parents don't like football.
4. Games will be played year round, but statistics will only be kept in the 4th, 8th, and 11th games.
5. This will create a New Age of sports where every school is expected to have the same level of talent and all teams will reach the same minimal goals.
If no child gets ahead, then no child will be left behind.
Monday, May 26, 2008
My New Sister-in-Law, Kindergarten

The building that this reception was held in was the Kindergarten that I attended in 1970-71. It was a wonderful place then, with Miss Peggy and Miss Julia as my teachers. They were so sweet and we had FUN! Not like Kindergarten now where kids are pressured to read and write and do math. In my day Kindergarten meant "learning" to catch and bounce balls, march to a song, sing our alphabet, play games, paint, color, glue, play, play, play.... Those were the days. Education has taken a sad turn. The kids may start out earlier but, thanks to "No Child Left Behind" (I call it "No Child Gets Ahead") they are not as advanced as we were. I wish politicians would stay out of education. Oh well,
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Cottonboll Quilt Guild Retreat

Here is the quilted version of my Scrappy Bargello for my brother's wedding. His bride loved it. In the photo I have not tacked down the binding yet but it is on there. We had a fabulous retreat and I got so much done. I put on this binding, machine-quilted and bound two other quilts (small), and did some piecing. There was lots of fun and eating. Especially eating. It seemed that every time you turned around it was time to go and eat. We also had a ton of snacks that everyone brought. I am sure I gained a few pounds.
I took a picture of this cat quilt made by my friend Cindy. She used a pattern but made the cats have colorations like some of her own cats, past and present. I thought it was so beautiful and I knew you would want to see it.

Well, I wanted to post since I have not done so in a while. School is out in just a few days and I should be a more regular blogger then. Later,
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pay it Forward - OC Step 2

I FINALLY finished Step #2 of Orange Crush! I think they look great. Since I have a quilt guild retreat coming up this next weekend I will be able to get steps 3 and 4 done and be ready for step 5 before it comes out. I won't be behind anymore!!!
Pay It Forward:
I signed up for Pay it Forward with Beth at The Ramblings of a Texas Quilter. Here is how it works: (With apologies to Beth, I just copied and pasted this part from her blog.)To the first 3 people who leave a message on my blog about the game that have a blog and that decide to play the game too, I will send a gift. I'll contact you for your mailing address so that I can mail it,, you don't have to leave your address on my blog so don't worry about that.But the thing is to PAY IT FORWARD... you have to commit to putting the game on your blog and then sending something to 3 people who leave YOU messages,,, sounds like fun I think!The challenge is there.... who are the first 3 that will leave me a message?I think this will be fun. The gift will be something sewn and it will be homemade by ME!! I can't wait to play. Who wants to play with me?
And in more news:
As promised in an earlier post, here is a picture of Cabalito with his new bandanna. I bought it at America's Mart. It is very cute on him and he doesn't want to wear a t-shirt or any other clothes right now because it is just too hot. Not to mention the fact that our central air conditioning is not working. The repairman should be here one day next week. Hopefully it won't get hot again before he comes. Yesterday it got up to almost 90 degrees F and I decided to turn it on, but it never started blowing cool air. :0( Well, at least we are saving money on our power bill. Last night (actually at 3:20 A.M. ) we had a very windy thunderstorm with 3/4 inch hail. It woke me up because it was making so much noise pounding on the metal porch roof outside my bedroom window. I went out to check on the cars (no damage) and ate some hail - very nice - like crushed ice but a little more firm. The storm system did make things a little cooler today.
Here is a crumb quilt that I made from the tiny strips left from trimming up my bargello sections in the wedding quilt. I put the Tabasco bottle nearby so you can see how small it is. I know it seems like a waste of time but I do it because it is FUN! I think it looks really cute. I plan to quilt it and make it into a little table pad for hot dishes.

Well, it is really late and school is not out yet, I have 11 more school days to go before I can become a true night owl again. Better hit the sack.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day - PAY IT FORWARD!!

I signed up for Pay it Forward with Beth at TheRamblings of a Texas Quilter. Here is how it works: (With apologies to Beth, I just copied and pasted this part from her blog.)
To the first 3 people who leave a message on my blog about the game that have a blog and that decide to play the game too, I will send a gift. I'll contact you for your mailing address so that I can mail it,, you don't have to leave your address on my blog so don't worry about that.But the thing is to PAY IT FORWARD... you have to commit to putting the game on your blog and then sending something to 3 people who leave YOU messages,,, sounds like fun I think!The challenge is there.... who are the first 3 that will leave me a message?
I think this will be fun. The gift will be something sewn and it will be homemade by ME!! I can't wait to play. Who wants to play with me?
By the way, I finally finished OC step 2 today! I still need to photograph them so that I can show them off. Well, toodles.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Americas Mart

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Red Hot Pokers and Other Flowers

I don't plan to do any gardening or quilting today because I got very little sleep last night due to a persistant nosebleed!!! Of course I fired up the laptop to keep me company and Amanda just happened to comment on my blog at that time. It was nice to feel connected to someone when I was so miserable. Thanks, Amanda.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Tomato Race