Joy and I had a tea party.
Karol-Ann had sent me some tea and tea biscuits. I had been waiting for a good time to have a tea party. We decided a couple of weeks ago to go ahead and party! I have a Wedgewood Countryware set of china, and I just love the teapot. It was nice to finally actually use it instead of just look at it.

Here is the teapot alone, I love how it looks like a cabbage!

Here was a bowl of citrus that was so pretty. Those reddish blood oranges are so good, and make such a colorful picture.

This is what Karol-Ann sent. The T biscuits are sooo yummy!

And yes, they are actually shaped like the letter "T."

Here are our cups of tea.

I even have a flower pot shaped like a tea pot, LOL. This is in my kitchen window. It is sitting in a peanut butter jar lid because I had just watered it.

The whole thing was simply boring and exhausting for Cabalito. He decided to take a nap on his "perch." We have this little place fixed up on an old sewing machine treadle table by the window. He likes to sit up there and watch the cats across the street. He has to bark and bark to make sure those cats know better than to come into his territory.