Here is a picture of the pink camellia from my front yard. These shrubs are great because they bloom all winter long and then into the spring. They have truly beautiful flowers and are prolific.

Today was the first day back at work after a four-day weekend. It was a good day even though we would have all rather had "just one more day" off! :0)
We had SAT 10 and ARMT training today. There is a new rule that the students cannot put their heads down and go to sleep when they finish their tests. They also are not allowed to read or work on anything else, so we are talking about sometimes an hour or longer of everyone being completely silent and staring straight ahead without falling asleep. Hmmmm......
Below is a photo of my dogwood tree. It is still not in full bloom but I can tell that it will be truly beautiful in a few days. Fortunately the frost last night didn't hurt any blooming plants last night.

I am still not finished with the charity quilt I am working on, but don't have much left to do.
Have a happy week,

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