Today I went on a great road trip with several quilt guild friends. I met Anne, Oma, and Doretha at an Interstate exit near my house and we took off to check out the Charlie Eliot Wildlife Center in Mansfield, GA for our guild retreat next year. It is a really great place, such a step up from the 4H center where we have had previous retreats. Since the 4H center reserved it for some other group on "our" weekend, we had to find an alternative. It looks like it may be a good thing after all. We took lots of pictures and I am putting some of them here.

Of course, we had to stop at a couple of quilt shops on our way. First we stopped in Hogansville, GA at 1910 House Quilts. What a great quilt shop. It is only a 32 minute drive from my house. I have never lived so close to a real quilt shop! And, to top it off, she was having a 100 bolt sale. There were 100 bolts all for $25 each. They all had at least 5 yards on them, but most had more. I bought three bolts!! I don't know how much fabric is on them but it is a lot. You can see a picture of me, Anne, and Doretha carrying our loot.

Our next stop was Quilts 'N Fixin's in Jonesboro, GA. This is another great shop, but we didn't buy as much there. Needless to say, a fun time was had by all.