Traveling day was today! Today we all had to get up at 3 A.M. to have Joy at the Montgomery airport for her flight to Hawaii with People to People. I am including a picture of her acting silly a few days ago. I didn't bring my camera with me to the airport and so didn't get a photo of her with her People to People outfit on. They were a really great-looking bunch of kids though. She will represent us well, I am sure. As of this post, she still has not arrived in Hawaii. Her flight was delayed three times and they won't arrive now until after midnight (our time) but it will be about 7 P.M. local time in Hawaii.

Here is a photo of my son, John Owen (on the right), with a couple of his buddies. After we took Joy to the Montgomery airport, we had to travel to Atlanta to put him on a flight to Ft. Myers, Florida, for his weeklong visit to his Aunt Carol. Carol lives in Naples and will be taking John Owen to Universal Studios and Kennedy Space Center. He called me earlier and is very excited. They are already having a great time. It was a little weird putting him on that plane and leaving him there, but he was extremely excited and I know it is a good confidence-building exercise for him. Well, more later!
How nerve-wracking is that, putting both your children on different flights at the same time. Have you got any finger nails left?
I agree with Amanda...You have beautiful children.
I hope the kids have good trips, sounds like they will come home with lots of stories about their good times. What will you do with yourself? Is their quilting in the picture?
Cute kids. My daughters friend did People to People a few years ago and had a great time. She went to Australia.
Must feel strange sending both children off in different directions. But think of all the quilting time while they're away!
Love the flowers in your garden too, the woods around us are blooming with a profusion of different flowers every day & I don't have to pull weeds!
Hi Julie, thanks for visiting my blog! Joy is going to Hawaii? How absolutely wonderful! We're leaving for Oahu tomorrow morning. She's going to have such a good time. I'm not sure what People to People is but it sounds like a fun, friendly thing.
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