I called my husband. "Hmmm, I really thought it would work just fine now. I will have to do some more checking on it." He has come to the conclusion that there is now a major blockage of our graywater drainage system on the outside of the house. So he called a septic tank guy who will come and clean out that pipe. Naturally it is the day before the Independance Day holiday so I don't expect him for a few days at least. The whole house is a disaster! I have been living with this, very patiently, for over a week now. I am just about at the limit of my tolerance. I am ready to blow!! He said he might come tomorrow. Oh please!! I sure hope so.

Here is a shot of SOME of the stuff I had to pull out from under the sink and out of the laundry room.
This shot is the washing machine pulled out from the wall, with the towels soaking up some of that nasty water.

The following shots are of the sink with the new load of nasty stuff that came up into them after I bleached them out today and the basement ceiling where some drywall had to be removed to access plumbing. You can see the yucky stuff all over the wall. And I have already been informed that when it is fixed I am the one that has to clean it all up, since "dear husband" has done the plumbing part. Sigh. I am so down about this. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I can't cook! I can't clean! I need to go to the laundromat because we are running out of clean clothes! Ahhhh!
Well, sorry for this "Poor old me" whinefest. I just had to blog about it! Maybe this is therapy? LOL.

OK, there's always a bright side, even if you have to hunt a little bit. Think of how much you've been needing to clean and declutter under the sink and in the laundry room. It's been on the list, right? Well at least that will get done. I guess if nothing else, disaster makes us appreciate how well things usually work. I hope it all gets resolved soon.
Oh, poor you. I'm not surprised you're spitting feathers. Just think of all the things you're husband's going to have to do to make up for the bits of the mess he caused though. I see some compensatory fabric in the future!
Oh, how awful! Poor you! Hope it gets sorted soon!!!
ps your DH sounds like my DH!
Poor Thing! All I can say is...
That Stinks!!!
Ugh! I hope venting on the blog has been the therapy you needed! I find that when stuff like this happens--and it does, oh yes it does!--sometimes it just needs to be "said" in a place where no one will talk back or try to talk you out of your mood.
I'm still in the process of getting my house back after 4 1/2 months of remodeling. So you know I have empathy for you!
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