Well, here it is!! I was so excited to get this package.
Roseanne from Tasmania sent me a sweet package for my birthday. I found inside this pretty purple wrapping.

Here is what was inside! What is that furry thing?

Oh, TOO cute!! It is a little wombat! It is just precious, and nothing like our animals here.

Wow, a fantastic tea towel with some of the popular tourist sites in George Town, Tasmania. And to think not long ago I wasn't even sure where Tasmania was. No one is allowed to use this towel - it is for decorative purposes only. I love the penguins across the bottom. Do you have penguins there? Wow!!!!

This is a fantastic needle case for sewing machine needles. What a great way to keep them organized. Believe me, this is something I needed. It certainly beats my current organizational method of needles stuck in pincushions all over the place.

That isn't all! A super calendar for 2009. It has sights from Australia and great local information such as the school calendar, pension stuff, just things that give a taste of what life is like there.
Do you see the incredibly cute Tasmanian devil postcard? And there is a scenic postcard too. I forgot to take a photo of the lovely card Roseanne sent. I was so touched. And don't think I didn't save the packaging so that I have Roseanne's address now. Look out, Roseanne! Now I owe you one! Thank you so much for a fun package!!

To change the subject a bit, check out the
pincushion pattern on Lynette Anderson's blog. I just LOVE the hen and beehive. Oh, I am drooling over this pattern. I will put that on my wish list for later. :-D - Lynette Anderson is a great designer. I think I will start talking her up to my local quilt store owners. (Well, by local I mean within an hour's drive.)
Take care everyone, and have a great weekend.
Oh lucky you!! Roseanne lives about 1/2 an hour from me. I havent meet her yet, but i have met her SIL- Sarah. I think Roseanne is going to a stitching day with me in Nov, so will meet her there. She has sent you some geat things from good ol' Tas! and yes we do have penguins here!!!Cathy
We even have penguins here in Adelaide! It gets much colder in Tasmania though. Such a lovely package! You lucky duck!!!
I love the wombat!
You deserve great gifts - I love the one you sent me! Thank you again!!
ps did I miss your birthday :-(
What a fun package!
Hi julie I am glad you like my present . If you be good you mite get a christmas present from tassie.
Whoa! What a lovely gift all the way from Tasmania! I love the wombat and the towel.
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