My great blog friend Cathy from
Highland Quilter sent me a box full of fantastic goodies!! Of course I am showing the chocolate first. It is soooo good. I still have most of it, because I am on Weight Watchers and only allow myself to have some every now and then.

Cathy's husband sent three of these hats from the company he works for. Telstra is an Australian Internet cable and cell phone service company. The kids think it is cool to have hats from Australia to wear.

Cathy made these fantastic pencil rolls for the kids. They are rainbow colored and were filled with Crayola twist-up crayons! Those went to school the very next day. Joy is holding a magnet.

I think Joy's favorite item was this glass Christmas ornament with a koala painted on it. It is really cute. I told Cathy that my kids would like a koala and a kangaroo - and Cathy found a way to send them. LOL.

Here I am with my Heart String bag and Australia refrigerator magnet. This bag is fantastic and I use it for my embroidery supplies. If you are interested, Cathy is giving one away on her

Here is Joy with her BFF. They were sitting in the floor coloring with the new crayons.

Now here is John Owen with his gifts. The hat made his bangs seem way too long, he was due for a haircut anyway, and has had one since then - just in case you were wondering - LOL.

He received a book about Tasmania and - I am not kidding here - he has looked and looked and looked at that book. He really has enjoyed it.

He got a pencil roll too. John Owen is a little artist and keeps it with his art supplies.

Cabalito was checking out the gifts too. Here John Owen is admiring his kangaroo ornament.
Cathy, you certainly gave us a happy day. We are still enjoying our gifts and will for many years to come. Thank you so much for gifts that you obviously put a lot of thought into.
I am so pleased you enjoyed!!! It looks like you had fun with the goodies! Now where is that hubby with his cap? Not blog shy surely?? lol Cathy
Your gifts look really good Cathrine is really nice is'nt she
Glad you all liked the goodies...we all had fun coming up with the different ideas. I am pleased Owen likes his book, it was the closest thing I could find about Architecture, and Joy looks very cool in her cap!! Speaking of caps...where is that DH of yours modeling his cap??lol Cathyx
Well julie your house will be a tassie house soon LOL. With all the presents from australia. those gift look very lovely.
What a wonderful parcel from Cathy! So friendly and so generous! I love the bag, she used beautiful fabrics. Your children look really happy with those gifts, a great day!
Oh, lucky you! Isn't it great to have such friends?!
Have a nice week!
OOh what a lucky girl you are, getting such nice presents in the mail!
Oh my goodness! What a haul. Those gifts all look very thought out and fun! Lucky you!
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