Thursday, May 28, 2009

Giveaway from Deb at Works in Progress

Look at these fantastic vintage buttons.

Deb is having a giveaway. She found many treasures in her Aunty Jean's sewing box, and is giving away these beautiful buttons! So pop on over to her blog today and enter her giveaway!


  1. Very cool, Julie. I had a bag of those vintage buttons that I bought at a garage sale some 30 years past. When we had to move to Hawaii, I sent the buttons to my friend on the Big Island who is super creative. I know she'll have done something fabulous with them. Now that I have more time though, I'm thinking I might have thought of something to do with them.... Sigh... But then again... maybe not.

  2. OMG, you're right, those buttons are gorgeous!!!

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  3. I popped over, I entered, I did not win, but it was fun anway.
    i found a lot of fun new blogs beacause of this huge organized giveaway. Thanks for helping get the word out about it.


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