I cannot believe I am posting such a sad message. I was shocked Wednesday to learn that my friend Cindy Wall had died suddenly. She was such a wonderful person and I still simply cannot believe it. She was a quilter and one of the most loved members of our guild,
Cotton Boll Quilt Guild. Cindy had a long arm quilting machine and quilted many, many quilts for charity. She raised money for various charities all the time. Here is a photo of Cindy presenting something at the guild. I am standing on the left.

Cindy was baptised last Friday. Isn't the timing for that amazing? You just never know what is going to happen, never know when someone that you think will always be there will be gone. Cindy was at work and didn't feel well. Her boss was concerned and called an ambulance. She died from an aortic aneurysm at East Alabama Medical Center.

Cindy was an athletic trainer for Auburn University.
She was much-loved there and the eagle flyover at Saturday's football game will be dedicated to Cindy. She really had the Auburn spirit and will be thrilled to watch this from where she is now. Tomorrow a memorial service is scheduled for her at her church in Auburn. I will be there to say goodbye. Cindy, I miss you already. The world will not be the same without you in it, but there is a new bright light in heaven.
Your post has bought tears to my eyes, very sad to hear your friend has passed away so unexpectedly. Thank-you for sharing some lovely photos of Cindy, she sounds like a beautiful person.
I'm so sorry about your friend. She was so young....I'll say a little prayer for her, and you.
Hugs, B
So sad!! We just never know, do we--beautiful pictures and tribute to a vibrant, self-sacrificing soul-I've always believed the future is already a part of us, so it is no coincidence that she was baptized on Friday. Will be thinking of you at the memorial service--
i'm so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. may your heart heal with time. and definately take comfort in knowing she was baptized just recently. God Bless and be strong.
I am so sorry to here about Cindy passing .Good friends are so hard to find .
Yes aneurysm are on my husband side of the family his uncle died of one his aunty and cousin olso . His mum has one on the stem of her brain removed.Took along time to get well from it . My children have to be check every three years for one .
I could have sworn I left a comment here yesterday--- but just checked back to let you know I'm thinking of you today at the memorial service for such a dear vibrant woman--- deepest sympathy!
How sad to lose such a lovely person and good friend! There really is no rhyme or reason to somethings is ther? What a tragic loose! Cathyx
It's a terrible shock when someone so young dies suddenly. Know that I am thinking of you.
My sincere sympathy on the loss of your friend.
I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. It sounds like she really made an impact on the world around her and helped many people. God's timing is perfect.
I'm sorry too to hear of your kitty's passing. What a hard month you've had.
What a beautiful post...It sounds like Cindy was a lady "who made a difference", ....my thoughts are with you and your guild.
I read your mail on Quiltville shortly after I'd read Cindy's post that she had finished her OTR. How sad to lose such a special friend. What a lovely tribute you have written. Warm hugs and much love xka
My sincere thoughts are with you and all of Cindy's friends and family.
I am so sorry for your loss. It is such a shame to lose the good ones so young.
I know that this is late, but....
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. The baptise timing is just perfect.
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