Here is our little kitty, Claws. He is the sweetest thing and slips into the house sometimes. I sneeze and sneeze and my eyes water and itch but he is just so darned cute that I can't put him out immediately. He is sitting on top of my newspaper mess on the table by my chair here. Please know that everything in my house is usually in perfect order and not messy like this. (Ha ha ha - maybe if I weren't a quilter.) I need to take some photos of Claws playing with Cabalito, the chihuahua. They roll around together and have such fun. Until next time, Julie

Hi Julie thank you for the comment on my post. I will leave some tips on my post when I find a few minutes. Love your cat - cannot believe how many quilters have cats.
Hi Julie thanks for your comment. I will post a few tips I learnt about the Sashiko when I get a few minutes. Love your cat - cant believe how many quilters out there have cats - what is it with quilters and cats??
He is a cutie! Some TAll ears! My house is perfect just like yours ; ) !
What a cute moggy and how frustrating for you!! My sister is like that with my cat...not very pleasant!! Cathyx
Julie, your kitty is just adorable.
Wow, that cat has the "puppy dog eyes" down
pat...that's your problem, right there. It's the "look"! The "I'm so sweet and I love you" look; you're doomed, LOL! Want me to send you some Benadryl? LOL!
It is so sad that you have to keep claws out side Julie .Well sorry I have not been doing any blogging the last few days .Trip over mat in loung room while I was vacuuming out .Pulled muscles in my back had to have bed rest .
Oh I know that sneezing! If I go to a friend's house who has an inside cat I end up in bed for a week! (Why is it that all quilter's houses look the same?)
Cute kitty. Creative clutter is better than tidy idlenes. Right?
ah yes.....Cabalito...I remember that post well when I was wondering what kind of dog that adorable creature was! I can well imagine the mischief the two of them can get into!!!!
And....mess? What mess? I see no mess! :0)
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