I wanted to do a giveaway for my 100th post, but I noticed that my last post was actually the 100th, I had forgotten to count the one post I did in 2007. OOPS. Also, Blogger says I have done 105 posts. I don't know how that is, but this is why I don't teach math. LOL. This would never happen to Amy. I am having a giveaway anyway! I shouldn't punish my readers for my inability to add. What about this cute St. Valentine's Day fabric? I uncovered it during my recent efforts at clearing out the quilt studio. I think that, with St. Valentine's Day coming up, this would be a perfect giveaway item. There will be about a yard and a half of it (I can't stand to give it all away - I am keeping a yard.) I will also include a small, handmade (by me) item. So, if you comment on this post you are entered in the giveaway. If you are one of my "Followers" (in my sidebar) you get entered twice. I will draw the name of the winner in two weeks, January 21st!!

I have a friend with a new blog. It would mean so much to me if you would pop over and visit her and leave her a comment. Heck, I will even enter you a third time in my giveaway if you comment on her blog!! Her name is Oma and her blog is Alabama Jasmine. She is a member of my quilt guild and a good friend. She even dug up a pomegranite sapling and gave it to me this past weekend!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Until next time,
Congrats on 100 posts! Hope to continue reading many more.
I'm off to visit your friend now to say hello :-)
hello, I really want to get my sewing room organized also... but the truck needed tires, and alignment.. one day soon life will slow down for me to get busy.. I love the Valentine day fabric.. actually Love Valentines day.. check my scrappy bargello.. all from reds,pinks,and Valentine fabs.. good luck with organizing,
What a fantastic give away. My anniversary is Valentine's day so I'm a little partial to that holiday lol!
Good luck with your organizing. . .I'll go visit your friend now :)
Have a blessed evening!
Oh Julie! That fabric is ADORABLE! You bet you can count me in chickie-pooh!
Also---WOW! That's a lot of stash you have. Good for you! to be organizing it so nicely.
Finally---my goodness child! THREE featherweights?!?!!? I guess I just don't "get" what the drive is to buy these machines. (sorry--no offense meant). There is one at our LQS that just showed up last month---I don't know what the price tag says; I didn't bother to look.
Anyway--congrats on 100! I'm darn close to 200 already! These posts sure add up fast!
Happy Tuesday
Hello and congratulations. I've just come downstairs for a coffee break as I have started a tidy in my sewing room too! I popped over to your friend - great to see she has a 'real' dog, I love Blue Heelers :~)
Congrats on your posting... I am fairly new to blogging and met you through Sharon's diet challenge. Cute fabric you are giving away. I will over and see Oma now.... have a great week!
Congratulations on 100 posts! I look forward to enjoying the next 100!
Deb xx
Congratulations Julie, Please enter me in your giveaway, been to your friends hope this works this time LOL
I wish I´d have a sewing room. Bur maybe in a few month I will get one ;)
I love this valrnitne fabric. It is really cute.
Happy Belated 100th post!!
I need to organize my sewing area too. You're doing a good job... wanna come over and help me after you're done? I need lots of motivation! lol
... will go visit your friend...
O, great job!I want to get my sewing plase organized too...
Very sweet fabric!!! I realy like it!!! Nika
Hello Julie,
congratulations to your 100. post.
I wish I would have to clean and fold so much wonderful fabric. If you don't have enough place, feel free to send it to me, I would give the fabric a warm and nice home.
Congrats on the 100th!
I am also having a give away every 4 months for "Con Kerr Cancer" pillow cases. This would make 2 swell kids pillow cases!
Good luck with the organizing!
Such cute material! Would make a darling apron!
Congrats on your 100th post.
Great job reaching 100!!! I would love to be in your give-a-way!
I need to do some organizing also, won't do any good until I get the mystery quilt done. I have fabric everywhere!!!! :D
Oh, count me in for fabric! Not that I need anymore. :) And when you are done organizing your room and fabric, you could always hop on over to my place... :D Well, I guess I will just have to suffer with my mess alone...
Oh, and you can always paint your paneling. I have some dark paneling under a bar that I keep meaning to paint. It will definitely freshen up the room a little.
I wish I was more organised. I am searching for a certain piece of fabric I know is in my stash for Bonnie's mystery and do you think I can find it???
Happy belated 100th!
What a great idea...always wished that I could sew..Oh wait I did sew right through my finger nail, twice. I know, doesn't count! A friend of mine in Dayton Ohio is a quilter ..she loves it too. She is building a new house with more room for her quilts and fabrics. After looking at your pictures, I can see why you need room!
Happy 105 anniversary!
Love your blog, keep em coming!
congrats on the 100th post. love your valentine fabric. so cute. good job on your organizing. wish i could get mine back in order too. just not feelin' it though right now. lol. take care. will check out your friends blog. thanks for letting us know about her.
Hi Julie!
You go girl! Your sewing studio is gonna be in tip-top shape for all your 2009 sewing!! Then you are planning to come help me in MY sewing room right?? hahaha
The valentine fabric is TOOOOO CUTE! Thanks for having a give-away =)
Congrats with teh hundred posts - thar remainds me - i think I will have 400 in a short while. And of course - I would love to be in your giveaway. I popped over to your friends blog to.
Love from Sølvi in Norway, drowning in snow rigth now (app 1.5 yards)
Happy blogging - always so entertaining and creative, keep up the good work. What a fabric collection you have gathered, enjoy using it!!!
congrats on your 100th post.......maybe you have some drafts in there.....they would though your numbers out...
good luck with the cleaning and sorting.........I have started but have a long way to go........
Julie, your sewing machines look so cute all lined up!! Great minds think alike, I am organizing my sewing room also.
Sounds like a great giveaway! Please count me in. I am now on my way to visit Oma's blog. I know how much fun it is to get comments!
Love the fabric. Sooo cute! Good luck on cleaning the sewing room. It feels so good when it is done.
Love the cute fabric. Good luck with cleaning your sewing room. It feels so good when it is done.
WOW, that is a LOT of fabric. I never knew that you had such a collection!
Great job on tidying your sewing area. I love the Valentine fabric. I'll drop by and visit your friend's blog, too.
Wow! You've got your hands full with all that fabric! Good luck on the organizing. I need to do the same.....hmmmmm
I'd love to be entered into your drawing. That fabric is adorable.
Thanks, Regina
Congrats on the 100 posts.. That is such cute fabric...
Good luck on the sewing organizing, if you want then your done you can come do mine too...LOL
Congratulations on your 101 post! Love blogland and the creativity everybody shares with each other. Your sewing area is looking good, keep up the great work. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
Congrats on the 100th post.....yippeeee and some prizes to be given away what a very generous.
Popping over to your friends blog now bye
congrats on your 100th + posting. I also love your background - looks nice. I'm on my way to your friends ........... take care
Congrats on your 100th post! The fabric is lovely!
Congrats on your 100th post. Very nice fabric. you have a nice site.
Congratulations on your 100th post. Mine is coming up soon too.
Your room looks great & I'm jealous of those 3 featherweights. lol
congratulations Julie. I saw that you were having a giveaway and am so far behind that I thought I'd missed it. I have one featherweight, and it is so cute, but even though I had it serviced I haven't actually sewn on it. I know a lot of people swear by them, but I'm spoiled by technology. Can't beat them for cuteness and I know some people swear by the stitches.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I think it would be swell if you gave away one of your featherweights! LOL
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