Monday, April 14, 2008

Cat and Dog Wars

Here is my fearless chihuahua, Cabalito, confronting the neighborhood cat that had the audacity to hop up on our windowsill and look in OUR HOUSE! That cat has so much nerve!!! Cabalito took matters into his own paws and barked and jumped until the bad cat ran away. Now the bad cat knows who is boss. It is so good to know that we are protected by such a brave and fierce dog.


Amanda said...

Brilliant pictures - how lucky to have your camera to hand at just the right time. Brilliant dog too.

Amanda said...

What brilliant pictures - how lucky to have your camera to hand at just the right time. Brilliant dog too.

Renee said...

Hi Julie, it's my time to go visit everyone's blog. I love to read what everyone is up to. But I do have an ulterior motive. You see, Candace tagged me and now I'm tagging you to give 7 weird or random things about yourself on your blog. You can go to my blog to see the RULES. Sorry, but, tag your it. Keep the piece.