I have been working on these fun crumb blocks lately. They are extremely addictive. I now regret the many, many small scraps I have thrown away over the years. I could have saved them for crumb blocks! Well, now I can't throw anything away. I even save the pieces that are too small for crumbs to use as stuffing for a pet bed! It is good to recycle and use every little piece of that expensive fabric.
Later today we are having a cook-out at my mom's house. We are having hamburgers and hot dogs, grilled corn, and baked beans. This is to celebrate the arrival of my brother's fiance from the Philippines. Her sister lives here in the Valley and so she will be here with her husband and son. It is raining today so we will be inside the whole time. It will be fun. :0)
Today I have done some cutting on my Orange Crush strips and some work on my quilt guild's retreat challenge. I hope to have some 4 patches made soon but so far I haven't started sewing on the strips. At least Spring Break is coming up soon - maybe I can get all 150 4 patches done then. I have so many projects that I need to be working on right now that I just don't want to do anything. I am going to force myself to work on cutting more strips now so that at least I will have done something! Wish me luck,

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