This is a "downriver" shot - you can see some guild members with their husbands, and one member's son - Will, in front. Doesn't it look like fun? People don't get out on the river enough.

This is Kim. I think she is taking a break and letting John paddle for a while.

Here are our soon-to-be-wed lovebirds, Dan and Shirley. It looks as if he's treating her right!

Wildlife shots. Cormorants and great blue herons are plentiful. Unfortunately, we didn't get a good look at any bald eagles.

The shot on the top is a mother great blue heron (taking off) and her chick. Now, that's a big chick!

This train trestle is really beautiful. I like the way it is reflected in the water here. The train still crosses it on a regular basis. I wish it had been going over when we were going under. That would have been a great shot!
We had a great time on the river and hope to do it again soon. Until next time,
Hi, Julie. It's Julie from Oregon (Julie's Quilt Ramblings fame). I love your charity quilt...and a helper, too!
I'd like to try the "crumbs" - yours look spectacular and I'm anxious to see the final product.
Hi, Julie,
Another OC person here . . . I loved your pictures of the canoe trip . . . and the Fredonia barbecue. I'm originally from Wisconsin, and every summer, we went to the Fredonia, Wisconsin, Fire Department Fish Fry. It was fabulous, and it appears that the Alabama version was yummy, too! Made my mouth water!
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