I couldn't believe it Saturday when I got home to find that I had received a package from
Jo in Tas. We did a little personal swap and she only mailed my package a week ago from Tasmania. I told her, jokingly, that I didn't know what I would like from Australia other than a kangaroo, didgeridoo, or boomerang - all of which were too large to mail. Well, doggone if she didn't send me a kangaroo after all. In this photo (above) he is attacking Tasmania (a postcard) in the manner of Godzilla. It is the attack of kangazilla!! I also got an Australian Homespun magazine, a bag of Tim Tam balls, a Cadbury's Koala Caramel, (unfortunately these had melted in the heat but I put them in the refrigerator and still haven't eaten them), and some cute fabric and wool. I hope I didn't leave anything out - it is a bit overwhelming (in a very GOOD way. ) Thanks Jo!
Well, next I visited
Karol-Ann's blog to find that I had won this fantastic bag of African fabric scraps. I can't believe it! It will be so exciting to receive this fabric which is so different from anything that I have now. I will make something special with it. Thanks, Karol-Ann!

Stitching Angel progress - Saturday morning I sent off my first package to my swap partner. I hope she likes it!

Saturday we heard that, sadly, Georgia will be closing some of its wonderful state parks due to budget cutbacks in the Department of Natural Resources. We had always meant to take the kids to Providence Canyon State Park, which is only about an hour away from us. When we heard that it would be closing we decided to go today. (They are also closing the
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Little White House park and museum. I can't believe it! It is another that is close to us and it is so fantastic. We may visit it next weekend.) I took so many photos of the "Little Grand Canyon" and we hiked until we were ready to drop. This first photo above is of a kudzu bloom. They have a heady scent that you can smell from a long way off. The scent is almost like grape Koolaid. Kudzu is known as "the vine that ate the South." We hate it but the blooms are nice.
I have some photos of the canyon below. I won't explain them because they are self-explanatory. I have also some photos of wild flora. I know the names of most of these things but won't go into detail here. I am just going to post the photos for you to look at if you want. There is also a photo of me (I look awful - but who cares :-D).

We had a great day but we are extremely tired and are glad to be home. Thanks for visiting my blog. And here is the picture of me - in all my glory!!

Shame the chockies melted but they'll still taste good and Kangaroos are affectionately known as "Skippy" after a TV show in the 70's (I grew up watching it!)
My DH would love that canyon, he collects rocks & minerals, loves geological formations....a real nerd!!
Great mail day! It is such a shame that they are closing the park, as it looks so beautiful and interesting. I hope they keep it pretty much as is and possibly open it back up later.
Gorgeous photos and an interesting posting!! Fancy closing that park down!! Unbelievable!! Cathyx
This is so lovely, Julie! I feel like I went on the hike with you. I especially liked seeing the photo of you because then I can picture you when I read your blog or see your comments.
Great pictures! I have passion flowers like that purple one that took over one of my flowerbeds :)
Thanks for sharing. Mother Nature is amazing...Sad the park is closing down. : 0 (
hi there i have sent you some photo of kangaroo hope you like then .I had never heard of bobbin bikini's before .I have learn't some think to day .
Hi, I love your work and that is why you have been nominated for an award! Check out my blog for the details, and congratulations!
And I hope that you enjoy the Tim Tam balls - they are Yummy!
I can't believe you are going to lose that park! It's beautiful. Yes! Tim Tam balls are delicious, but so is pretty much all Aussie chocolate! I came here via Jane Green's new blog. Are you my stitching angel??? I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my package!
Nice shots there! Its so nice of Doggone to send you those gifts.
That is a great idea Julie that you organised a surprise swap with someone in Australia. Am sure you will love the Homespun magazine as I too enjoy receiving this every publication. I see too that you are a stitchers angel . I am new to the blogging world and was introduced by Jo seems a great person, cheers Dawni
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