Well, tomorrow is my first day back to work. The students don't start until Thursday but we have to start earlier to prepare for their arrival. Oh boy!!! Where did the summer go? Was it really 8 weeks long? It seemed more like 2!!
I have signed up for the Secret Santa Christmas Swap on Chookyblue's blog. I am excited to get started on this one!
welcome to the SSCS
I thought we were the only ones who were crazy enough to start back this early! I'm always so happy around Christmas as we finish up our last final before the break. Hang in there, transitions are tough on everyone.
Oh wow! It's been 4 years since I left the classroom and reading this post, I felt a pang. I want to go to my class again and start setting up.
Thanks for the comment -- Up here in Wisconsin, we have the stupid state law that no school is allowed to start until after Labor Day (unless the School Board can get through that loop hole with a vote). So, I still have 2 1/2 weeks left before I need to go back for Inservice----that's the good part. But the bad part comes in May/June when all of YOU are celebrating your first days of vacation, and we remain in school until mid June!
I don't know about you, but the transition back to school usually leads to weird "back-to-school-dreams" for me; but after the first day with the kids, the ol' schedule falls right back into place!
Back to school already!! I loved the coming of September and the start of school. Have great memories of my school days and, especially of a couple teachers that really made a difference in my life!!!!
Welcome back to school. I always loved the beginning. New pencils, pens, paper, and the smell of glue.
Hi Julie:
You start early, I go back Sept 2nd and we don't get out until the end of June. So I am going to enjoy my few weeks yet. I teach in NJ.
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