Look what I received in the mail from
Candace! Such a sweet surprise. I sent her some little hens and chicks and she sent me these. I have to tell you, I think she got the short end of the stick here. In the second photo I spread the contents out so that you can see the great fabrics and thread too. Do you see the little birdhouse? And the fabric and thread was in a pretty tea canister. Thank you so much, Candace!

Here is a quilt that I haven't shown you yet. It is a Scrappy Bargello in which I decided to not zig zag but to just go up (or down, depending on how you are looking at it) continuously. I like it for a change, and no one has to know that it is because I made a mistake ! LOL. Well, I guess everyone knows now. My mom's dentist had asked her to make him a quilt with lots of colorful blocks. She has a group of friends that get together at her house and quilt. They don't piece tops and so I came to her rescue and pieced this top. Her "bee" quilted it and will deliver it to him Monday. I certainly hope he likes it. If not, I want it back!! These next photos are taken in her house.

HERE IT IS! Carolina Crossroads!! I finished the top ages ago and gave it to my mom for her birthday. She had it machine quilted by Cindy at
Cinnamon Dreams. I am so glad that it is finally finished. Now I have to get busy and quilt my Orange Crush.

Here is my little fella, John Owen, helping me to photograph the quilts. He is doing his best to hold it up for me to photograph it. He is saying, "Hurry up!" because his arms were tired.

By the way, hop on over to
Candace's blog. She has made her 100th post and is having a giveaway!
Both great quilts!!!!!!!! I particularily like the colors you chose for your CC!
ps you can't blame the little guy - I bet that quilt weighs a bit ;-)
WOW, that is one big quilt. I wonder how long it took you to finish it =) Btw, thanks for dropping by my site!
Oh my gosh! Those are huge, beautiful quilts. Very impressive indeed.
I love them both! I have to finish my CC too. The bargello looks like it was suppose to be that way.How was your first week back ?
Hi Julie, thanks for the plug for my giveaway, and your Bargello, and CC are absolutely gorgeous. Your "little fella" is very handsome, and obviously a good helper.
Congratulations on finishing your Carolina Crossroads!! Mine still needs quilted and bound.
I love the brown and blue look........ might have to do one of those.
Your bargello quilt is lovely too.... I love all the colors!
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