The quilt on the bed is from a class I took when I first started quilting. It is called Thrifty Stars and I think it makes a nice Christmas quilt. It was machine quilted by my friend Cindy Wall.
I don't know what blogger is doing. All the above text was blue and underlined. I got rid of the blue, but can't make it not underlined. Weird. I also cannot drag the photos around like I normally do. Why? I guess I will never know.
Anyway, my mom pulled this old nativity scene out a couple of years ago and gave it to me. It is one that she and I made in ceramics back in 1979. It is in pretty good shape except that an ear is broken off the donkey and a sheep. I have them cleverly turned so that you can't see the missing ears. I love it because it reminds me of Christmas past. In 1979 I was 14 years old. Now my kids love it and they enjoy setting it out for me. I am glad that it is becoming a tradition for them too.

I plan to show some more photos of Christmas items that I have made soon. Don't touch that dial!!
A sleigh bed! What a great Christmas present. And even better because it showed up magically and fully assembled.
As soon as you mentioned the missing ear on the donkey, I had to click on the picture and look for it. I must be totally twisted ;-)
Gorgeous bed, love the style!
Now I'm off to see if I can spot the missing ear!
Your Nativity Scene is wonderful...cant believe you made it!! Can you explain your dogs name?? Cathy
a beautiful Christmas gift.the nativity set is very nice. as far as the pics,, I use photobucket. I did not like the way it worked when you did it in the blog post,, you almost had to post backwards to get pics where I wanted them.I am learning little by little. Have a great week.
Ooooo! I can't wait to see more things you have made! I love the ceramic nativity. 1979 was about when my mother and I were doing ceramics too. It's funny how crafting has "fashions". Your nativity is really lovely! (Even with broken ears!)
That Santa that left the sleigh bed is a keeper!
I love your bedroom set! The quilt is just perfect for it, too.
You lucky woman! What a beautiful bed... And you are not going to believe this. I had the same nativity set. I spent close to 300.00 for the paint alone. It was some type of china paint from a company called Bell I think. My mother and I used to have a ceramic shop in her home and I worked on items until I could not stand it anymore! Well anyway this set was painted and fired and glazed and fired and then the fun began.. I used a mother of pearl type glaze over it and fired again..Then we painted this Bell ceramic paint over it and fired it over and over for about 10 more times. Finished it off with 14K gold paint. It is so beautiful. Last year I gave it to Jackie. She lives in Tuscaloosa. I may get a picture of it if she has it out this year. It was something else to look at.. Beautiful. The clothes looked like fired fabric pieces ..The colors wonderful. Now I am getting to miss that set.BUT not enough to ask for it back... And I spent over a week just painting the china paints on it. It was a job. Later on in life I decided all along I really hated ceramics..the pouring is so nasty and cleaning is nasty and it just was not my thing. I discovered quilting and wonder what my work would have been like today if I poured as much energy in it as I did the ceramics. I would have over 30 years quilting experience if I had.. Oh well can't go back. Only forward! Right?
Wow!! love that bed!! Such a beautiful nativity too!!
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