I am not going to post the rules again, simply scroll down to my last post for those. Feel free to take this award for yourself if you are one of my blogging sisters!
Loser Monday, well, I have no idea really. The last two Mondays have been days when I simply could not attend the meetings of Weight Watchers. Tonight I had a school PAC (like PTA) meeting at the same time as the WW meeting. Last week I could have gone, but it was raining cats and dogs outside. No way was I getting out in that!! I just wanted to snuggle up and stay home. Now I have pretty much stuck to my diet, so I hope for a loss when I go back next week.
It has been a long day. We had a mandatory faculty meeting after school today, until 4:30, then had to come back to the school at 6:00 for the PAC meeting. The PAC meeting had several programs and wasn't over until about 7:30. I then had to do something about dinner. It is so good to just sit here and do a little blogging now.
I hope you are going to have a good week. I can say now that we only have 7 more Mondays until school is out for the summer!
Spring is coming, oh I mean Spring is here. lolol I'm sure your losing just hang in there.
congrats on the award! too bad you had PAC meeting and couldn't attend the WW meeting.. but I'm sure you did just fine watching what you ate -- unlike me who eat everything I watch! LOL Oh well,,
Keep up the good work!
Hi, Julie. I understand the WW thing - mine is at work and I still don't always make it. It's touch to be good. 7 Mondays until summer, huh? Sure doesn't feel like summer in Oregon - it's just rainy and gray, which is why quilt retreat was so needed.
Julie in Oregon
Sounds like a very busy day..That 7 more Mondays sounds pretty good. We have about the same left, we are finished May 26. I'm ready!
I'm sure you're still losing...what a nice day next Monday will be!
Glad you found my award, you have been so good to me and we are like sister friends.
Life does get busy, doesn't it? I seem to be always rushing around. Hope you have a great week Julie!
Congratulations, Julie! You are most certainly well loved and well read by everybody.
Sounds like you might just want those holidays to hurry up and come:>)
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