Monday, December 14, 2009

Here I Am!

I am still here! I do miss blogging. I think one of the main things that took the wind out of my sails for my blog, other than the divorce, was the finding that certain local members of the community were closely following my blog (and these were people that I didn't want reading my daily thoughts). It felt like an invasion of privacy. I realized that I had made a huge mistake by inviting certain people to check out my blog, who then passed the information on to others. I am going to start a brand new blog over Christmas break. Maybe I will try some new things. I will keep you, my bloggy friends, posted!


Jo in TAS said...

Glad you're back and I hope you're doing well! I'm very careful with the content I share on my blog, never know whose reading it. I try to keep it all about my craftiness.
Have a wonderful xmas and I look forward to the new blog!

Debs said...

Nearly break time, enjoy it.

Fiona said...

Good to see you back

Sunna Reyr said...

Glad to hear from you, I know exactly what you are talking about, concerning who reads your blog. I don't put a lot of things in my blog now that I would have in the beginning. For blog friends that care and ask I use e-mails.

Hope all is well with yo and your children.

scraphappy said...

I am careful to keep my true identity secret from certain people, mainly students. Every once in a while I google myself to make sure nothing leads back to me. It is a careful balancing act of putting it all out there but not wanting to trap yourself or leave things out there that could be used as ammunition later. So glad you are back though, make sure you head all of us to your new address.

Isabella said...

Good for you Julie keep us posted

Cathy said...

Welcome back Julie! Glad things are returning to normal....Cathyx

sewkalico said...

Glad to hear from you. I have been missing your blog and hope I get invited to read your new one!

Candace said...

You have been missed.