Just a quick post to let you all know that I am still alive. I have been quite obsessed with Ancestry.com. I am doing the 2 free weeks and trying to do as much as possible in that time. It seems that most of my ancestors are from Somerset, England. Has anyone ever heard of Barwick Manor in Somerset? I don't think it is there anymore.
I even did more research on my great-grandfather who was a prison escapee. It turns out that he was serving a life sentence for murdering his neighbor. He was on a chain gang in Georgia and escaped. He went to Oklahoma where his wife and TEN children joined him. Soon some of his daughters started writing home to friends in Georgia. He became alarmed that he would be found out and so he abandoned that family and fled to Texas. In Texas, he remarried and had six more children. He changed his name and was a "prosperous farmer." He was arrested on a drunkenness charge and confessed to the police who he really was. So, after 26 years of freedom he was sent back to Georgia and put back on the chain gang at 66 years of age. I thought that was incredibly interesting. My sister and I have decided that this is a branch of the family tree that we would like to prune off! LOL
I am very far behind on reading blogs and responding to emails. Things should get back to sort-of normal in a week or so. I have to get Thanksgiving behind me first. Everyone comes here. Ahhhh!!!
You are now HOOKED on it.....LOL....yet another hobby to divide your time.......I'm laughing because I started a family tree last year so now I have to use a timer to keep myself from spending too much time working on it or sewing or reading.
You are now HOOKED on it.....LOL....yet another hobby to divide your time.......I'm laughing because I started a family tree last year so now I have to use a timer to keep myself from spending too much time working on it or sewing or reading.
Julie...this is a warning that I have selected you to receive the "Butterfly Award" which is a cool blog thing! I love your blog and wanted to share it with other bloggers. So pop on over to my blog and find out what's up.
Hey, that's really interesting! Kind of nice to have something spicy like that in your background. Makes for great storytelling!
What a fascinating story! Finding our roots is fascinating. (Even for me - without your juicy stories)
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