I went to the polling place and voted today after work. I was anticipating a several hour wait but I was in and out in about 15 minutes. Not bad at all. If you are an American then I hope you voted too. I cannot imagine not voting - but there are some people who don't. Everyone I talked to today had either already voted or was going to vote immediately after work. It will be very interesting to see who wins. 

Good to see you voted. We here in Oz have been following the US election too, hope who you voted for gets the top job!
Voting in Australia is compulsory, you get a fine if you don't!
We are from Australia as you know, but the election is on our TV as we speak. Big news here as well as in the US. My Miss 16 is really interested in politics and world issues so the conversation at our place has been very much about your election!! It will be interesting for sure!! Cathy
VOTED! Nothing surprises me anymore though I've gotta say.
Did my jury duty today too. Man what a day. I'm pooped. LOL!!!
I think it's fabulous that the country has really become energized in this election and went out and did the right thing! We can all be proud tonight, no matter who we voted for.
Aussies so love you Julie!
It seems strange to me that you have election day on Tuesday. Here in Australia we vote on a Saturday so that more people can get to the polls more easily. Cause (as Jo said), if you don't vote you end up in court!
Good for you! I asked my daughter if she was voting since this is the first year she'll be of age and she said yep, she was heading over right then. She didn't tell me who she was voting for though...
Still buzzing with ENERGY of the election results! Very exciting to think about the future now!
I think it is fantastic that more Americans all over the world voted this time! :-)
Thanks for your blog...enjoy your projects and photos!
Hello Julie,
I sat the whole night in front of the TV to see who will win the election. I am very pleased with the result. I am no fan of George W. so I think fresh wind could help to make the world peacefuller.
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