Anyway, here are the rules for the award. The rules are that I (1) post about the award, (2) link back to Rhonda, (3) place the award on my sidebar and then choose 10 blogs that I think are really cool, link to them, contact each person and talk about why I think their blogs are cool. I can do this! Here are my ten choices:
1. Jo in Tas. Jo is the first Tassie blogger that I "met" and I count her as one of my friends. Her blog is so interesting. She works down the street from the Cadbury chocolate factory!! Her blog is about quilting and other things.
2. Razzy's Special Place. Roseanne is a lot of fun - you can tell by reading her blog. She is another Tassie blogger and another friend. She makes beautiful quilts and stitchery. She is a fantastic cook, and she has a sweet Patty Melon for a pet! I'll bet you don't know what a Patty Melon is!
3. Villa Kunterbunt. Marion posts frequently about her many projects. I love reading about the festivals that they celebrate in the German town where she lives.
4. Loose Threads. Luann has a lovely blog. I have really enjoyed reading her recent posts about the retreat she attended in Shipshewana, Indiana. She is a great quilter.
5. Patchwork Penguin. Nancy lives in Pennsylvania and makes lots of projects. She has recently started teaching, after receiving her degree in teaching 24 years ago! She seems to be a great teacher and she is certainly a great quilter.
6. Fiber Babble. T is so funny and likes to rant every now and then about things that get on her nerves. Oh, how I love to read those rants! LOL. She is usually annoyed by the same things that annoy me. And she is a knitter who used to be a quilter.
7. Highland Quilter. Catherine is another Tassie Blogger. I am amazed with her beautiful quilts and projects. I love reading her blog.
8. I Just Love to Stitch NO2. Isabella is yet another Tassie Blogger! I only recently "met" Isabella and I am enjoying getting to know her. She is a talented quilter and I love reading about her projects.
9. And Sometimes I Quilt. Katie is an Australian blogger who turned out to be my Stitching Angel. She sent me some absolutely beautiful gifts. She is also a teacher and so we have things in common. It has been fun getting to know her through her blog.
10. Itching for Stitching. Dawnie is another Australian blogger. How could I not add someone who recently had a "fish pedicure"? You just have to hop over to her blog to find out what I am talking about.
I have to get busy readying things for Thanksgiving now. I will notify these ladies later of their awards, so if you happen upon my blog and see your name here and wonder why I didn't tell you about it - well, I just haven't gotten around to it yet!
Thank you all who have sent me kind words about my brother and his thumb. He is doing much better now although the thumb looks terrible. It could have been so much worse. I have a coworker whose fiance cut off his hand at about the same time, which makes the thumb injury seem so insignificant. Also, the company did an investigation on the grinder and there was something wrong with the machine, which is why the accident happened. It somehow feels better to know that the injury was not from him doing something that was not safe. After all, we were raised around machines because my dad owned a Tool & Die business. My brother was working in the shop since he was a young teenager. He is 53 now so that is a lot of injury-free years. :-D
Thank-you for nominating me Julie! I'll do a post soon
Congratulations on your award and thank you for mine..I will post about soon!! CAthyx
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